01. Project Introduction


Congratulations on making it all the way through! You now have a program that can solve any Sudoku puzzle! But can you extend your solution to include more heuristics? How about to solve a modified version of the puzzle?

For this project, you will implement some extensions to the Sudoku algorithm developed in the lectures. The first extension will be an implementation of the naked twins technique. The second will be a modification of the algorithm to solve a diagonal sudoku.

Navigate to the next page for details on how to get started and submit.

Naked Twins

The naked twins technique is the following. Consider the following puzzle, and look at the two highlighted boxes, 'F3' and 'I3'.

As we can see, both belong to the same column, and both permit the values of 2 and 3. Now, we don't know which one has a 2 and which one has a 3, but we know one thing for sure — the values 2 and 3 are locked in those two boxes, so no other box in their same unit (the third column) can contain the values 2 or 3.

Thus, we go over all the boxes in their same unit, and remove the values 2 and 3 from their possible values.

As you can see, we've removed the values 2 and 3 from the boxes 'D3' and 'E3'. This is the naked twins technique. In this project, you'll write a function that implements this technique.

Diagonal Sudoku

A diagonal sudoku is like a regular sudoku, except that among the two main diagonals, the numbers 1 to 9 should all appear exactly once. In this project, you'll modify the functions we've written in the lecture (or you can write your own!) in order to solve every diagonal sudoku.